Everything about urban beekeeping and urban honey in Lithuania 

Miesto bitininkystė ir miesto bitininkai Lietuvoje ir draugiškos bukfasto bičių šeimos iš Urbanbee.lt bityno

When we spot beehives in our urban landscapes, it’s natural for questions and thoughts to swarm our minds. As urban beekeepers, we’re here to demystify the world of urban beekeeping and highlight the immense benefits it brings to our entire ecosystem.

Bees are facing a crisis on a global scale! 

Studies from abroad reveal a staggering 30% annual decline in bee populations. While we’re currently seeing stable numbers in Lithuania, in Western countries, this decline reaches a concerning 40%. The question of what’s driving this decline continues to spark heated debate. However, scientific research points to several key human-induced factors:

Pesticide Overuse: The heavy use of pesticides, particularly neonicotinoids, has devastating effects on bee populations, disrupting their nervous systems and ultimately leading to their demise.

  1. Monoculture Farming: Monoculture fields, with their single-crop landscapes, limit the diversity of flowering plants available to bees, weakening their immune systems and overall health.

  2. Intensive Forestry Practices: Bees naturally thrive in old, dense tree trunks found in undisturbed forests. However, aggressive forestry practices diminish these natural habitats, further challenging bee populations.

  3. Urban Expansion: As cities expand, they encroach upon natural habitats and alter the landscape, affecting bee populations and their ability to thrive.

  4. Diseases and Pests: Varroa mites, which have spread globally since the 1980s, pose a significant threat to bee colonies. These parasites weaken bees, making them more susceptible to diseases and ultimately contributing to colony collapse.

  5. Understanding these challenges is the first step in addressing the decline in bee populations. By raising awareness and taking action to support bees in our urban environments, we can play a vital role in safeguarding these essential pollinators for future generations.

Bees are an important part of the ecosystem 

Miesto bitės svarbi ekosistemos dalis - miesto bitininkai Urbanbee.lt

If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live

Albert Einstein

For 30 million years, bees have been an integral part of our planet’s ecosystem, diligently tending to our environment. Their role is paramount. Have you ever paused to think that beyond just producing honey, bees serve as vital pollinators for blooming plants, including fruits and vegetables? According to the United Nations, the collective work of bees and other pollinators is valued at €153 billion annually. Moreover, bees pollinate up to 70% of the food we consume. It’s no wonder Einstein emphasized the significance of bees in our lives.


Save the bees by inviting them back to the environment 

In urban settings, the environment proves to be more conducive to bee populations, thanks to the abundance of bee-friendly plants and flowers. Within city limits, bees discover a plethora of trees and shrubs adorning parks, squares, and green spaces. Meanwhile, a colorful array of flowers graces people’s terraces, balconies, and window ledges.

Moreover, bees that take up residence atop rooftops find themselves elevated far above ground level, mimicking their natural habitat within tree canopies. This elevated positioning shields them from the dampening effects of moisture. Living on rooftops allows bees to navigate freely to and from their hives without encountering disruptions. Their flight paths remain unobstructed by human spaces, ensuring both human safety and the bees’ tranquility.

Urban beekeeping ensures safe conditions for bee living. In cities, bee mortality has decreased from 30% to 18% due to these reason:

The wealth of flowering plants spread across our cityscapes—found in parks, squares, green areas, and even balconies bursting with colorful blooms—provides bees with a diverse array of food sources throughout the seasons, from the lively bloom of spring to the fading hues of autumn. This ensures that bees have more than enough food to sustain themselves safely through the winter months.

Hives placed on rooftops recreate the natural living spaces of bees, typically found high up in tree trunks in the wild. This elevated positioning not only offers better protection against pests but also provides bees with more favorable climate conditions for their livelihood.

Additionally, the drier environment of rooftop hives, combined with the efforts of cities to ensure warmer winters, greatly aids bee survival during the colder months, reducing their need for food and helping them thrive.

Beyond their physical benefits, urban beekeeping encourages community involvement and serves as a valuable educational tool, especially for younger generations who are increasingly becoming disconnected from nature. The presence of beehives in our urban environments offers a unique opportunity to educate and enlighten society about the crucial role bees play in our ecosystem.

One significant advantage of urban beekeeping is the avoidance of pesticide-treated fields, which pose a significant threat to bee colonies. By operating within city limits, we completely bypass the risks associated with pesticide use, ensuring the safety and well-being of our invaluable pollinators.

Urban beekeeping benefits both cities and people

Miesto bitininkai ir miesto bitininkystė gelbėja nykstančias bites Urbanbee.lt

1. Introducing bees into cities, which are among the most crucial creatures for ensuring plant biodiversity and improving the genetic pool, brings immense benefits to the entire city and its residents. With a decline in these insect populations, urban parks and gardens would lose their primary pollinator, as wind alone is insufficient for this task.Urban bees pollinate plants and contribute to making cities greener. As a result, urban beekeeping helps clean the air, reduces urban pollution, and provides us with more oxygen.

2. City-produced honey can alleviate the effects of pollen allergies. For instance, honey produced in Vilnius can benefit residents who suffer from pollen allergies. By consuming honey collected from locally grown plants’ nectar, individuals become more resistant to the pollen that surrounds them day in and day out, thus reducing their allergies.

3. Lithuania is a land of bees, and the topic of bees is particularly fascinating. Education and seminars on the importance of bees for the younger generation are easily accessible through urban beekeeping. Additionally, bees help foster sustainable and environmentally friendly communities.


Friendly bees and healthy honey are the core values of urban beekeeping 

When you spot beehives in the city, there’s no need to panic; in fact, it’s a reason to rejoice, as bees provide numerous benefits to our environment. As urban beekeepers, we encounter various myths about bees or honey, and we always strive to educate the public and debunk these myths.

Peaceful Buckfast Bee Colonies 

By nature, bees are peaceful and harbor no ill will towards humans, unless provoked by interference with their hive or safety. However, rooftop bees pose no disturbance to nearby people, as their flight paths are higher than where people typically walk. Living at such heights, bees swiftly ascend and fly off to gather nectar and pollen. It’s worth noting that well-maintained bees pose no threat. The bees housed in Urbanbee.lt hives are of a specially bred Buckfast lineage, known for their docility and lack of aggression towards humans. Buckfast bee colonies are industrious, calm, and distinguished by their beautiful coloring.

Urban honey is clean and pesticide-free

Vilniaus medus, tai miesto medus kuris švarus ir neturi pesticidų - Urbanbee.lt

Every urban beekeeper will affirm that city honey is clean and meets all the standards for healthy, high-quality honey. Global scientific studies demonstrate that city honey meets all the criteria for clean honey. We conduct honey tests in laboratories and know that our city honey is free from 7 heavy metals commonly found in food products. We have honey from Vilnius bees, gathered from plants in the capital of Lithuania, and honey from Kaunas, the greenest city in Lithuania. In cities like London, where urban beekeeping is widespread, city honey is highly valued for its quality. The main advantage is that city honey is pesticide-free!

Next time you spot beehives in the city, let’s celebrate the benefits they bring to our cities and communities. Take a photo and tag @Urbanbee.lt on social media. Let’s share and create a sustainable, conscious, and eco-friendly community around us.

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