Volunteering opportunities for schools and businesses
Bee-come a beekeeper for a day and volunteer with Urbanbee.lt
Volunteering for businesses
Have you dreamed of beekeeping but found it daunting and the journey to your grandfather’s bees too long? Urbanbee.lt now offers existing customers with the “Queen Bee” care package the chance to volunteer as beekeepers.
We will inform you of hive visit schedules, meet your team (up to 3 people), and assign tasks. New volunteers will start with carrying honey supers, using the smoker, cleaning the hives. Contributing to bee preservation is rewarding and crucial for our ecosystem.
Volunteering for schools
Are you looking for meaningful activities or ways to complete your social hours? Urbanbee.lt invites students aged 15+ who care about bees and biodiversity to join our volunteer program.
As the beekeeping season picks up, we need extra hands for tasks like painting hives and extracting honey at our Kaunas apiary (Radvilų dvaro g. 2A). We seek diligent, positive-minded volunteers ready to work outdoors. Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Volunteering for existing Urbanbee.lt clients. Assist the beekeeper at your location during bee hive visits. Tasks vary based on your ability and beekeeping experience.
For adults
On sote client location
Duration: 1 hour

Volunteering for high school students looking to volunteer and collect social hours. During high season jobs include painting hives, collecting and jarring honey.